1. You will soon arrive at the Université Paris-Saclay and you are looking for an accommodation?
2. Is there any help from the FMJH to find accommodation?
The FMJH offers for its first-time foreign students scholarship holders the possibility to book an accommodation (individual studio) in a Crous residence close to their institution of registration.
3. What are the administrative procedures for students of the Université Paris-Saclay?
Getting a visa or a residence permit, registering for the French Social Security, opening a bank account... Read this article to be guided through the necessary administrative procedures before you arrive in France.
4. What is the visa procedure for foreign students, FMJH sholarship holders?
If you are not a citizen of the Espace Schengen, we remind you that you need a Student Visa to study in France.
In that case, you have to register at ''Pastel'' online service linked to the nearest French Embassy or Consulate. This registration is possible when you provide the acceptation letter in the Master.
This acceptation letter is provided by the University Paris-Saclay or Institut Polytechnique de Paris relevant service, after you have fulfilled the registration process on their website.
=> more information.
In the meantime, the FMJH will provide you a certificate to allow you to start the procedure.
1. Graphic charter & Logos FMJH
You can consult our graphic charter and download the FMJH logos via our page info communication
1. Activity reports & Newsletters
To follow the news of the FMJH, you can consult its activity reports and newsletters
1. Our contact addresses
For all questions about :
- Master's Scholarship : contact@fondation-hadamard.fr
- FMJH Events : contact@fondation-hadamard.fr
- MathTech Program: mathtech@fondation-hadamard.fr
- Companies/Donations and Jobboard : contact-entreprise@fondation-hadamard.fr
- Gaspard Monge Program (PGMO) : pgmo.contact@fondation-hadamard.fr
1. Which financial support is offered to study for a Master's degree in Mathematics and Applications?
The FMJH offers scholarships for excellence for a period of one to two years to French or foreign students. The Sophie Germain scholarship for M1 and M2 students and the PhD Track scholarship for students with very high potential by offering them financial support for the duration of their graduate studies, from the Master (M2) to the PhD.
=> More information.
2. Can the FMJH scholarship be combined with scholarships based on social criteria and taxable?
The scholarship is compatible with scholarships based on social criteria, but not with any other excellence scholarships.
In France, scholarships based on social criteria or merit are not taxable. You are therefore not required to file a tax return.
4. Is the registration in the master automatically done if we have been granted the master’s scholarship?
No, you have to apply in parallel in the master for which you have been granted on the application website of the Université Paris-Saclay or Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
5. When do I have to have defended my thesis in order to apply for the position of Hadamard Lecturer?
You must have defended your thesis before 1st September, the date on which the post-doctoral contract as Hadamard Lecturer must start (date not flexible).
1. Is a financial support offered for students wishing to do a research stay abroad?
For PhD students, see the Junior Scientific Visibility programme, outgoing mobility.
For Post-doc, see the Junior Scientific Visibility programme, international visibility.
2. Is a financial support offered for foreign students wishing to come and carry out a research stay on the Paris-Saclay campus?
For PhD students, see the Junior Scientific Visibility programme, incoming mobility.
3. Is a financial support available to organise projects or events to promote mathematics?
For Post-Doc, see the Junior Scientific Visibility programme, scientific animations.
For associations, public establishments, etc., the "Votre Région Fait des Maths" programme provides financial support for the organisation of scientific events (mediation) on the theme of mathematics around Paris-Saclay and its surroundings.
The FMJH supports also the organisation of scientific events in the field of Mathematics (conferences, seminars, summer schools etc...) on the perimeter of Paris-Saclay (or even brought by mathematicians of that same area) => more information.