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  • The post-doctoral program

    The post-doctoral program


    Each year, the FMJH offers funding to young mathematical researchers wishing to carry out a post-doctoral stay in one of the research units within the FMJH perimeter.

    There are two types of post-doctoral grants:

    • Thematic post-docs:
      Lasting two years, they are designed to foster research in mathematics at interfaces ;

    • Hadamard Lecturers:
      Lasting three years, with a light teaching load (1/3 of the statutory service of an assistant professor), these positions are designed to best prepare young mathematicians to take up a permanent position in the academic world. All areas of mathematical research are eligible for these positions.

    You'll find details of the various calls for applications below. The two calls (thematic post-docs and Hadamard Lecturers) are distinct and evaluated by separate juries. You can therefore apply independently for each of these two calls.

    Each year, the FMJH offers funding to young mathematical researchers wishing to carry out a post-doctoral stay in one of the research units within the FMJH perimeter.

    Thematic post-docs Hadamard lecturers 


    For three years, the FMJH took part in a European post-doctoral programme (MathInGreaterParis) supported by the FSMP.

    Laureates of this programme:



    In addition, the FMJH is committed to animating the community of post-docs in mathematics within the Paris-Saclay perimeter (whether funded by the FMJH or not), with the aim of helping these young mathematicians prepare for their future. A number of initiatives have been launched to this end

    • The FMJH, the IHES and the FSMP have joined forces to organize an annual welcome day for post-docs from the Ile-de-France region.

    • The junior scientific visibility program offers support to post-docs in mathematics within the Paris-Saclay perimeter to carry out a research stay abroad or organize a scientific event.